Words With Tawny makes figuring out what to say when marketing your brand-new coaching business easy and effective with courses that include DIY prompts and templates

We get it — words are hard

Great messaging turns prospective customers into paying clients
Use our DIY process to find the words that captivate, connect with, and convert your target audience — WITHOUT the bill that comes with hiring an experienced copywriter

Guess what?! I'm a life coach, too! See, we already have stuff in common. But before I became a coach, I spent 10+ years as an award-winning copywriter, creative strategist, and storyteller for brands like Dunkin', Wendy's, Shapermint.com, Marriott Hotels, and more. I've even written for people like LeBron James, President Obama, Alicia Keys, and Wolfgang Puck. I'm not saying all of this to blow smoke up my own ass; I'm saying it so you know you came to the right place for help
Hi, I'm Tawny

"Tawny took inputs I shared with her in fun (yet very intentional) brainstorm sessions and pulled together content for me that I have been wanting to say for quite some time, but couldn't find or organize the right words to say. She brought me relief and I'm eternally grateful for her beautiful craft, her realness, her joyful energy, and just her overall vibe. I cannot thank her enough for her help!"
Kea Meyers Duggan
The Courage Permission Slip Podcast

"Tawny helped me dig deeper in my writing. She asked questions and pointed out things I hadn't noticed myself. Working with Tawny was extremely easy. She makes you feel comfortable with her jokes and easy-going nature. More importantly, Tawny makes herself available. She's happy to share her knowledge to improve readability, engagement and the article’s reach. The range of Tawny’s expertise is extensive and that is made evident through her own writing, editing and marketing skills."
Utieyin Ekwejunor-Etchie
JD Candidate at Howard University School of Law

"Tawny helped me with renaming my programs and developing the value propositions for each program as well. She's a brilliant magician when it comes to putting words to the vision in one's head. We explored what feeling I wanted for each, and she easily worked with me to identify compelling names within an hour. I highly recommend her services (and her!) if you're looking for branding and copy help!"
Bri Seeley
TEDx Speaker + Success Becomes Me Founder

"During my tenure working with Tawny, I gave her the nickname, G.O.A.T., which stands for the Greatest Of All Time. Her execution and great eye for detail made her stand apart from the crowd. She is unequivocally one of the most talented content creators I've ever worked with. Oh, and she's patient too (with me at least)! :) I'm definitely a life-long fan!"
Shirley Jean-Baptiste, M.S.
Shirleyjeanbaptiste.com Founder
Stuff people say about Tawny
1:1 Feedback Sessions

Messaging Accelerator Course
Find the right words for your coaching business
This course guides you in building the messaging strategy you'll use to base all of the marketing copy you write for your coaching business

Sometimes, "figuring it out" is faster (and a lot less frustrating) when you have help. Get feedback on your messaging from an award-winning expert